about me

A college professor who loves dancing, music and good lough. And little bit of serious media research

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1984年 熊本県生まれ。1984年〜1989年プエルト・リコで育つ。Escuela del Pueblo Trabajador, Trijillo Alto, San Juan Puerto Ricoでモンテソーリ教育を受ける。日本帰国後、長崎県西彼杵郡長与町、静岡県静岡市清水区瀬名、沖縄県宜野湾市、宮城県七ヶ浜町、仙台市を転々とする。高校卒業後渡米し、コミュニティ・カレッジ、City College of San Franciscoの一般教育課程終了後、4年制大学に編入。 San Francisco State University, College of Creative Arts, Department of Broadcasting and Electronic Communication Arts 卒業。東北大学大学院情報科学研究科博士課程修了、博士(学術)。

同志社大学アメリカ研究所助教、北里大学一般教育部 任期付講師、東洋大学社会学部メディアコミュニケーション学科講師を経て、現在同大学准教授 

専門: メディア産業史、メディア論、アメリカ研究、ジャーナリズム、メディア倫理法制論、 マスコミュニケーション論,、メディア・コンテンツ制作、時々英語/語学教育


I was born in 1984 in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. From 1984 to 1989, as my parents pursue graduate school study in Puerto Rico, they left Japan even though I was 4 month old. I grew up there and received Montessori education at Escuela del Pueblo Trabajador in Trijillo Alto, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

After returning to Japan, I moved around several places because of my parents work, including Nagayo Town in Nagasaki Prefecture; Sena in Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture; Ginowan City in Okinawa Prefecture; Shichigahama Town in Miyagi Prefecture; and Sendai City.

I moved to the United States after graduating from high school, and completed my general education at City College of San Francisco, a community college. Subsequently, I transferred to a four-year university, graduating from the San Francisco State University, College of Creative Arts, with a degree from the Department of Broadcasting and Electronic Communication Arts.

I completed my doctoral program in the Graduate School of Information Sciences at Tohoku University, earning a Ph.D. in academic studies. My career includes positions as an Assistant Professor at the Doshisha University Institute for American Studies, a Term Lecturer in the General Education Department at Kitasato University, and a Lecturer in the Department of Media Communication, Faculty of Sociology at Toyo University. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the same university.

   All my past experiences shaped who I am today. I want to apply values of diversity and respect, which I learned through studying and working overseas, to both personal and professional spheres through giving back to a community to which I wish to belong

My areas of specialization include the history of the media, media theory, American studies, journalism, media ethics and law, mass communication theory, media content production, and occasionally English/ESL/language education

For More About My Research including detailed research proposals, click following page.


For More About My Teaching Experience including detailed teaching portfolio, click following page.


What I do in a free time 趣味など

Besides my work, I’m a photography and digital drawing enthusiast. Not so great but I love creative activity of any kind. You could also find me out side, road-biking, training acrobat move, dancing and all. I also love learning new things

どれも金にもならなくても中途半端につづけてる趣味: 写真、絵を描くこと、デジタルイラストレーション、.創作活動全般好き。ロードバイク、アクロバット練、語学勉強(ペルシア語、スペイン語、英語、日本語)、ダンスなど

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